2013 USTA League
Alabama Mixed Championship -

Captains Corner General Information Registration Championship Procedures Hotel Information Schedule Photos USTA Alabama

Welcome to the USTA League Mixed Doubles Championship Website!


USTA Mixed Doubles League Champion teams from the twelve local leagues will be invited to compete in the 2013 USTA Alabama Mixed Doubles Championships to be held September 12-15, 2013 in Dothan, AL.  Wildcard teams may be invited to complete the draw in each level if needed.  The format of play will be a round robin based on the number of teams entered.  The format and playing surface may be changed by the Tournament Committee, if needed.


Captains should click on the different links above for online registration, hotel information, responsibilities, schedule, etc. 

Mandatory captains meeting for all levels is scheduled for Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 pm at Westgate Tennis Center.  If you cannot be present as the captain, please send a team representative.


Player Party:

Friday, Sept. 13th 7:00 pm Water World, 401 Recreation Rd., Dothan, AL  36303 (for GPS purposes use 604 Whatley Rd, 36303)
DJ, Door Prizes, hors d’oeuvres
Must have player ticket for entry, $10.00 without ticket!


CONTACT:      Ruth Anne Bendall, Alabama Mixed Doubles Coordinator

                           Email:  rbendall7@gmail.com    205-995-1398